A repeat consultation with a doctor or specialist is intended to assess the effectiveness of the prescribed rehabilitation procedures, to correct the rehabilitation plan – to terminate procedures that the patient does not tolerate or to appoint additional procedures.
 For women     For men    

Physical medicine and rehabilitation physician helps to return to normal life after illness, to strengthen health, to speed up the healing process after various diseases, to restore the body after injuries and/or surgeries. It is a complex part of treatment of various medical conditions: the back pain of various origins, which is a common complaint, and the effects of incorrect posture, as well as conditions after injuries and surgeries (prosthetic joints, surgery of blood vessels, bone fractures, etc.), stroke, heart attack, etc.

During the consultation, a physical medicine and rehabilitation physician assesses the patient’s state of health, develops an individual rehabilitation programme, monitors the effectiveness of rehabilitation, adjusts the programme if necessary, prescribes the outpatient, inpatient, etc. rehabilitation, as well as advises patients on healthy lifestyle, and adjustment of activities and surroundings based on the principles of ergonomics.

Physical medicine and rehabilitation physician applies non-drug therapy (without medication): prescribes the physiotherapy and hydrotherapy (water) procedures, kinesiotherapy, massage, homeopathic treatment, acupuncture, manual therapy and other types of treatment suitable for you.

Depending on the patient’s medical history, a physical medicine and rehabilitation physician may involve other specialists (kinesiology therapists, masseurs, psychiatrists) in the treatment process.

Kinesitherapy - it is one of the main tools of rehabilitation. This therapy method is based on that a proper body movement helps restoring, improving, and maintaining the functional condition of bones and muscles, cardiovascular and other systems. When making a plan of kinesitherapy measures for patients, it is necessary not only to assess the overall condition of patients, but the condition of damaged organs or systems as well. We offer kinesitherapy in water, in a gym with fitness equipment, or a complex of special exercises which will be selected by a kinesitherapist taking into account your complaints. Movement can replace medications but no medications can replace movement.

 For women     For men     For pregnant    
The wireless muscle testing system is designed to perform muscle strength measurements after injuries or illnesses, analyze them and document the results. The results help to plan treatment, monitor progress and assess the level of disability.
 For women     For men    


If you have suffered traumas, severe injuries, your recovery from surgery is complicated, or you can not do many basic chores requiring physical strength due to impaired health, we offer help of an occupational therapist. An occupational therapist will do the essential procedures necessary for improvement of your health. He/She will massage, liven inactive muscles making them work towards the desired direction, he/she will also help restoring dysfunctional organ activity, and, if necessary, he/she will show you and teach you how you could continue living a fulfilling life and cope with everyday household problems.

Occupational therapy helps to restore patients' functions and potential to the maximum level, to be independent in their daily life. Everyone can lead an independent life, taking into account one's desires and needs. Occupational therapy procedures can be both individual, and group. They allow a person to get away from depressing thoughts about disease, disability, and gain self-confidence.

 For women     For men    

Individual psychological counseling is helpful in talking out depressing problems and figuring out their causes as well as discovering individual inner strength to solve them through a secure, trust-based conversation.

Couple and family counseling is designed for assisting a couple / family to overcome difficulties and crises in their relationship and to sustain it. Rather than being given or gifted to a love-struck couple living in or out of wedlock, happiness is something that must be created. It cannot exist devoid of individual responsibility, awareness and courage to face challenges, get rid of illusions and live a true life. In every marriage, even most successful, there are times of happiness and difficulties. It is important for two people in a relationship to dare speak out whatever it is that is bothering them instead of neglecting it. The two people must listen with the intent to understand. Often, the couple does not feel able to cope alone with the task consequently rescue by a skilled professional is relevant.

 For women     For men    
Taking into account a person’s health, goals and evaluating their eating habits, the dietitian makes recommendations on how to maintain a weight balance by eating a variety of foods and how to achieve the desired weight without giving up your favorite foods.

The dietitian advises:
  • How to adjust the weight, increase or decrease it.
  • How to live having diseases of the digestive system (in case of increased acidity, diarrhea, constipation).
  • How to live having chronic diseases (arthritis, diabetes, kidney disease) and how to ease them with or without the help of medicine.
  • How to improve your eating habits or learn to put together a diet plan.
  • How to learn to deal with emotional eating.
The E-LINK Upper Limb Trainer is designed for people who need more effective upper limb function recovery. During the procedure the exercises are performed with a special tool in the form of games on a computer screen. The results are evaluated and presented in statistical charts. The trainer is suitable for patients of all ages, especially in the pathology of the wrist joint exists.
Spirometry is the measurement of air volume and air flow rate during exhalation and inhalation, which helps to diagnose respiratory problems.

The test allows measuring lung volume, as well as checks for airway obstruction and adequacy of the lung ventilation function. Recommended for people with chronic lung diseases (asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, etc.), as well as for those who work in polluted air and smokers. The test also provides valuable information in cases of acute respiratory infection.
 For women     For men     For pregnant    
The Cryo T Elephant cold device makes it possible to apply the cold therapy solely to a problem area. Tissue exposure to cold reduces the demand for oxygen and intensity of metabolic processes. Based on the stimulation of reflexes, the cold causes a significant chain of reactions in the heat regulating systems, particularly, the increase in the norepinephrine level, which narrows the capillaries. Several hours after the cold-based treatment, the blood vessels in the skin expand due to a higher flow of blood.

The cold has a relaxing effect, the decreased tone in shortened muscles eliminates the pain syndrome and allows to reduce the degree of joint immobility. The application of the cold to an inflammatory focus stops the proliferation of microorganisms. The treatment is recommended in case of the following conditions: injuries (bruises, fractures), burns (thermal shock removal), follow up treatment, rheumatic and degenerative bone and joint disorders, muscle spasms, hypertonia, muscle and ligament sprains, inflammation, pain syndrome, neuralgia, oedema and cellulitis.

 The local cold therapy should not be used in the case of Raynaud syndrome and other peripheral vascular diseases, heart diseases (cardiovascular insufficiency) and allergy to the cold.
 For women     For men    
Cryotherapy effectively treats acute pain, chronic pain in the spine, joints, muscles, depression, anxiety, reduces inflammatory processes, strengthens the immune system. Cold therapy improves the condition of the skin, reduces cellulite as the blood circulation in the subcutaneous layer is activated. After the procedure a slight euphoria is felt. Therapy can be tried by both - the sick and the healthy. It is especially suitable for athletes.

The cold chamber is intended for group cold therapy. The procedure starts in the anteroom where the temperature is from -40 to -60 C and finishes in the main room where the temperature is from -100 to -160 C. The duration of the procedure is regulated and set by the staff. It can reach up to 3 minutes in each room.

Recommended for the following diseases: chronic and acute pain of the spine, muscles, joints, rheumatism, depression, anxiety, cellulite, overweight, obesity.

Cold therapy is not recommended for patients with oncological, severe cardiovascular diseases, people with allergies to cold, people with impaired blood circulation in the extremities, fears of indoor use, pregnant women, breastfeeding women, children.​
 For women     For men    
The therapy is designed for patients who suffer from stress, muscle tension and back pain. It is a healing massage technique for the entire body or relevant parts of the body based on the force of water. You will not need to change your clothes or take a shower after this treatment. Dry underwater massage helps to relax muscles, relieve stiffness and reduce spasms. The sensation of heat during the procedure promotes metabolism within the body.
 For women     For men    

The treatment is based on CO2 gas, which is injected into a plastic bag using a special device. The carbon dioxide, accessing the body through the skin, is absorbed directly into the bloodstream, stimulating the major links of human oxygen transport system, activating the function of transport of oxygen in the blood, improving microcirculation and cardiorespiratory system function, strengthening the vascular wall, which becomes more resilient and firm, normalising blood pressure, relieving tense limbs, cleansing skin, enhancing skin blood flow, and reducing cellulite.

Dry carbon dioxide baths are recommended in the following cases:

  • Vascular pathology,
  • Prevention of infarction and stroke,
  • Varicose veins,
  • Trophic ulcers,
  • When recovering from a coronary bypass surgery,
  • Musculoskeletal system disorders,
  • Metabolic disorders.

Dry carbon dioxide baths are not recommended in the following cases:

  • Acute inflammatory processes,
  • Acute cerebral, coronary and peripheral blood circulation disorders,
  • Pregnancy,
  • Acute and chronic kidney failure.
 For women     For men    


The purpose of inhalations is to help medications to get deeper into the respiratory tract. This is one of the best solutions for treatment of acute respiratory tract diseases, chronic obstructive bronchitis, bronchial asthma. Inhalations are often applied for treatment of acute upper respiratory tract diseases as well.

Various medications are used for inhalations: antibiotics, bronchodilators, decongestants, medications making secretion thinner.

With the help of steam, ultrasound, compressor inhalator medications evenly distribute both in the upper and the lower respiratory tract, less of them deposit in the mouth, they affect directly the mucosa of the respiratory tract bypassing the overall blood circulation of the body.

It is a term used to refer to the combination of oxygen and a phyto-cocktail. The drink is made from medicinal herbs rich in vitamins. Benefits of oxygen cocktails for the body:

  • Improves mood and enhances mental clarity;
  • When used on a regular basis, helps to get rid of headaches and enables the brain and heart to overcome hypoxia more easily;
  • Eliminates functional disorders of the nervous system caused by high emotional and physical loads (chronic fatigue syndrome, sleep disorders, etc.);
  • Prevents degenerative changes and vascular wall necrosis;
  • Improves sleep quality and working capacity;
  • Reduces fatigue and negative impact of environment.

One serving of an oxygen cocktail can replace a five-hour walk in the pine forest in the summer, and can be enjoyed by people of all ages and with any health condition.

 For women     For men     For children     For pregnant    

The purpose of inhalations is to help medications to get deeper into the respiratory tract. This is one of the best solutions for treatment of acute respiratory tract diseases, chronic obstructive bronchitis, bronchial asthma. Inhalations are often applied for treatment of acute upper respiratory tract diseases as well.

Various medications are used for inhalations: antibiotics, bronchodilators, decongestants, medications making secretion thinner.

With the help of steam, ultrasound, compressor inhalator medications evenly distribute both in the upper and the lower respiratory tract, less of them deposit in the mouth, they affect directly the mucosa of the respiratory tract bypassing the overall blood circulation of the body.

 For women     For men    

Loss of dexterity is the first clear sign that your body starts placing an unbearable burden on your muscles. This sensation is caused largely due to the torso, respiratory and pelvic floor muscles complex and the quality of their function. The symptoms of urinary incontinence, pelvic pains, erectile dysfunction and other urological disorders may be perfectly corrected and treated using the Pelvictrainer device.

The configuration of the graphics is easy and simple to program. A kinesiology therapist selects and determines the exercise complexity level individually for each patient. The achievement of patient-specific goals is expressed as a percentage, which allows for an accurate and objective assessment of each patient’s individual therapeutic progress.

Both the patient and the specialist can monitor and control on the fitness screen the accuracy of the exercises performed. Once the patient has learned how to perform the exercises correctly, efficient training continues and the first results are noticeable already after the first 10-20 sessions. There are no side effects.

Women in postpartum period and patients after pelvic floor surgeries may perform these exercises on condition that the wounds have healed. Pregnant women can exercise up to the 6th month of pregnancy.

The following may be carried out using the device:

  • Measuring pelvic floor muscle activity discretely and as a percentage, as well as obtaining objective results (the need for further training is recorded for no less than 80% of the patients);
  • Teaching the patient to ‘feel’ the pelvic floor muscles using bio feedback;
  • Performing targeted pelvic floor muscle trainings based on a custom-made programme at the basic or advanced level, and strengthening pelvic floor muscles in appropriate phases of muscle activity;
  • Monitoring the therapeutic effect (in addition to the patient’s own perception of a relevant change, the results of the patient’s trainings are recorded and presented graphically, which allows adding them to the individual’s medical history, if required).
 For women    

It is a unique hydropathic treatment that improves cardiovascular function, supplies tissues with higher levels of oxygen, normalises blood pressure and helps train the heart muscle. During the treatment, the body is covered with tiny bubbles of CO2, and the carbon dioxide penetrates through the skin (the penetration is proved to be 100 times better than that of water). Due to certain biochemical reactions, CO2 causes haemoglobin to release more oxygen. The small blood vessels expand, the body gets more oxygen, and the heart muscle can enjoy an easier work regime. The treatment has a thermoregulatory effect as well.

Carbon dioxide baths reduce the symptoms of heart failure such as shortness of breath, fatigue, palpitations, swelling of the legs, stimulates mechanisms of cardiac muscle recovery, improves cardiac muscle nutrition, and facilitates the adaptation of cardiovascular system to exercise. In addition, these baths are suitable for the treatment of various metabolic disorders and circulatory disorders of the limbs.

The bath temperature is 34 to 36°C, which is perfect for those who do not tolerate hot baths. The procedure is suitable not only for treatment purposes but also as a preventive measure, to ensure wellbeing, as well as to prevent progression, exacerbation of symptoms or complications of diseases (after myocardial infarction, in case of ischemic heart disease, arterial hypertension, heart failure, circulatory disorders of limbs, diabetes, etc.). Mineral water used for bath.

 For women     For men     Water procedures    

Mineral pearl bath is a bath saturated with air bubbles. Sensory receptors in the skin are impacted thermally and mechanically. The skin senses contrast temperature (because of different water gas thermal conductivity and heat capacity). Bubble baths have a calming effect on the central nervous system, reduce irritability, increase the body's reactivity, improve blood circulation, and stimulate metabolism.

 For women     For men    

These are warm local baths (for lower limbs: legs are dipped in up to the knees; for upper limbs: arms are dipped in up to the upper arms). During this procedure the blood vessels are expanded due to changes in temperature and the water current massages, relaxes tissues, improves supply of nutrients to the tissues, stimulates healing processes.

Turpentine stimulates blood and lymph circulation, stimulates cellular metabolism, accelerates the regeneration of blood plasma, strengthens the body's protective functions, tones and rejuvenates the skin, has anti-inflammatory effects. It is especially effective in treating diseases of the joints and respiratory organs, improves blood circulation in the lower extremities in atherosclerosis of the blood vessels of the legs.

 For women     For men     Water procedures     For pregnant    

Bubble bath is a bath saturated with air bubbles. Sensory receptors in the skin are impacted thermally and mechanically. The skin senses contrast temperature (because of different water gas thermal conductivity and heat capacity). Bubble baths have a calming effect on the central nervous system, reduce irritability, increase the body's reactivity, improve blood circulation, and stimulate metabolism.

 For women     For men     Water procedures    

During the underwater massage a current of warm water relaxes muscles, eliminates their fatigue, soothes muscle pain, improves blood circulation, metabolism, reduces vegetative and reflex disorders. Underwater massage is recommended in case of musculoskeletal disorders, peripheral nervous system, chronic pulmonary, gastrointestinal diseases, overall strengthening of the body, and improvement of skin and muscle tone.

It is an efficient therapeutic instrument for people having problems with overweight, if signs of cellulite show up or for prevention of it, in order to improve lines of the body when being on a diet or to restore skin elasticity in case of sudden loss of weight.

 For women     For men     Water procedures    

Whirpool feet - arm baths

These are warm local baths (for lower limbs: legs are dipped in up to the knees; for upper limbs: arms are dipped in up to the upper arms). During this procedure the blood vessels are expanded due to changes in temperature and the water current massages, relaxes tissues, improves supply of nutrients to the tissues, stimulates healing processes.

These baths are particularly useful for treatment of post-traumatic disorders, contractures, joint and muscle lesions, circulatory problems in the limbs. This bath is useful for patients whom full body baths cannot be prescribed because of their health condition.  

 For women     For men    
These are warm local baths (for lower limbs: legs are dipped in up to the knees; for upper limbs: arms are dipped in up to the upper arms). During this procedure the blood vessels are expanded due to changes in temperature and the water current massages, relaxes tissues, improves supply of nutrients to the tissues, stimulates healing processes.

Turpentine stimulates blood and lymph circulation, stimulates cellular metabolism, accelerates the regeneration of blood plasma, strengthens the body's protective functions, tones and rejuvenates the skin, has anti-inflammatory effects. It is especially effective in treating diseases of the joints and respiratory organs, improves blood circulation in the lower extremities in atherosclerosis of the blood vessels of the legs.

 For women     For men     Water procedures    

These are warm local baths (for lower limbs: legs are dipped in up to the knees; for upper limbs: arms are dipped in up to the upper arms). During this procedure the blood vessels are expanded due to changes in temperature and the water current massages, relaxes tissues, improves supply of nutrients to the tissues, stimulates healing processes.

These baths are particularly useful for treatment of post-traumatic disorders, contractures, joint and muscle lesions, circulatory problems in the limbs. This bath is useful for patients whom full body baths cannot be prescribed because of their health condition.  

Turkish Bath

The bath has a positive effect on the body in case of cold and is useful for prophylaxis of it, therefore it is recommended for patients with chronic bronchitis as well as other pulmonary diseases. It has a positive effect on sore joints, muscles, and ligaments. Various salts and freckles are intensively excreted through the skin, the kidneys function at their lowest capacity during the time in the bath. The bath is very useful to patients suffering from pains caused by increased kidneys and gallstones.

The bath is very useful in case of all nervous system diseases. The bath is recommended in case of depression, suffering from obsessive thoughts, daily problems, inability to relax, sleep disorders or jetlag.

 A complex of bath and mineral water pool will be particularly useful to people who have suffered a lot of stress.

The bath improves skin tone, smoothes wrinkles, improves skin regeneration, and excretes freckles form the body.

 For women     For men     For children     Water procedures    


More and more people are looking for opportunities to enhance their health by using recipes dictated by nature. Already several thousand years ago it was noticed that salt mine air had a positive effect on humans and even healed them. One of those ways is salt chamber.

Here the human body is exposed to salt-saturated air. Therapeutic effect comes not only from the salt-covered walls in the chamber but dry salt (NaCl) aerosol sprayed to the air through a special opening. Small particles of salt cover the skin forming a thin layer on it and get into the respiratory tract disinfecting and healing them in this way.

Healing effect of salt chamber: useful for people with chronic, allergic respiratory tract diseases. The fine salt particles get even into the smallest bronchi causing an anti-inflammatory effect on them. Therefore secretions are excreted quicker, coughing and breathing get easier and the lungs get cleaner. It helps restoring and maintaining the beauty and healthy appearance of the skin. It reduces allergic rashes, skin scaling, helps he skin to regenerate, protects against aging and wrinkles.

It treats nervous system disorders: salt chamber has a calming effect and helps getting rid of sleep problems and nervousness.
The minimum recommended treatment applying halotherapy method is 10 sessions. In case of people with chronic pulmonary diseases we recommend visiting salt chamber 20-28 times.

Halotherapy is like an elixir to human lungs, prophylaxis to skin and relaxation to the body.

 For women     For men     For children     For pregnant    

The exercises are designed to amplify, restore and improve the strength of the arm joints. During the exercises, the amplitudes of the wrist, elbow and shoulder joints are developed, and muscle strength is developed.

With the help of accessories, household movements are restored. The device has 10 positions, the resistance force is adjustable.


  • after a stroke,
  • after various arm injuries,
  • after a cervical hernia,
  • rehabilitating hand movements.
 For women     For men    

Occupational therapy sessions aim to improve an existing or to restore patient's daily skills.

Occupational therapy is used for musculoskeletal injuries (bone fractures) and diseases (osteoporosis, arthritis, osteoarthritis, etc.), nervous system disorders (head and spine injuries) and diseases (carpal tunnel syndrome, discogenic hernia, stroke, neuropathy), soft tissue injuries (scars that restrict hand movements, injuries to ligaments, muscles and tendons) and diseases (epicondylitis, tendovaginitis, etc.).

During the procedure:

  • the amplitude of the movements increases
  • fine motor skills are developed
  • muscles gets stronger
  • the blood supply to the tissues is improved
  • coordination gets better
 For women     For men    

Occupational therapy is a purposeful activity of restoring, maintaining or compensating for a patient's health. The main goal of occupational therapy is to teach the patient to perform activities, tasks and roles in order to ensure his / her productive life, self-control and environmental control.

During individual occupational therapy, the patient's personal needs are taken into account, and the sessions are adapted to the patient's abilities.

The following will be assessed during the consultation:

  • fine motor skills (hand function, mutual - hand coordination, visual - motor skills, academic skills);
  • ability to accept and respond to environmental stimuli (sensory integration);
  • ability to perform self - care activities independently (eating, dressing, hygienic skills, etc.);
  • cognitive skills (concentration, movement planning skills, etc.);
  • the need for compensatory and ancillary measures and the possibilities for adaptation.
 For women     For men    

The exercises are designed to recover and increase the joint movement amplitude and muscle strength of the body. The first sensor is attached to the muscle affected by atrophy. It records the muscle contractions that can be monitored in real time. The second sensor (accelerometer) records the amplitudes of the joint movement.

Recommended for the treatment of:

  • Paraplegia;
  • Muscle atrophy;
  • Reduced joint movement amplitudes.

 For women     For men    

The dynamometer is used to measure the isometric grip force of the hand. The finger grip force device measures finger strength and endurance. Computer games help to develop motor skills, as well as to increase the strength and endurance of fingers and hands.

Recommended for:

  • Weakness of the hand muscles;
  • Poor gripping;
  • Poor fine motor skills.

 For women     For men    

Kinesiotherapy in a gym or outside is a complex of therapeutic exercises performed in the gym under the guidance of a kinesiology therapist. Kinesiotherapy (movement therapy) is one of the main forms of treatment for rehabilitation and health strengthening purposes. Proper movement and correct breathing help to improve and maintain good functioning of the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and other systems, normalise metabolism and improve the overall functioning of the internal organs.

The kinesiotherapy in a gym is performed with the use of small balls, Gymnic balls, Therra-Band bands, sticks and various other types of sports equipment, which will make the therapeutic exercises interesting and effective.

The group kinesiotherapy is applicable for the purposes of strengthening all muscles of the body in cases of spinal disorders (improvement of posture, treatment of spinal osteochondrosis, radiculopathies, and conditions after spinal surgery), as well as in cases of joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis, Bechterev’s disease, and conditions after joint surgery), respiratory illnesses (bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis), endocrine system disorders (diabetes, thyroid gland disorders, etc.), and cardiovascular diseases (coronary heart disease, hypertension).

10 sessions are recommended in order to feel the impact on your health.

 For women     For men    
Kinesiotherapy is one of the major types of treatment used for rehabilitation purposes. This therapy is based on the fact that proper body movement helps to renew, improve and maintain the functional state of the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and other systems. Kinesiotherapy has great benefits for patients suffering from back, spinal and joint pain.

In order to ensure the efficiency of the kinesiotherapy-based treatment, the Gradiali sanatorium makes use of the following methods: active (therapeutic exercise, various games and sports elements) and passive (massages, healing baths and other therapies). To this end, we offer aquatic kinesiotherapy, kinesiotherapy in a gym with fitness equipment or a complex of special exercises that a kinesiology therapist will select based on your health-related complaints.

Kinesiotherapy is a highroad to the treatment of illnesses, removal of long-time health problems and improvement of the health in general.
 For women     For men    

Kinesitherapy in water is an excellent method of exercising intended for people of different age and fitness. Water has an additional effect on human body and forms specific conditions for the procedure. This is an efficient workout because water resistance affects movements.

You will notice that after the course of the procedures (10-15 sessions) joint and back pains soothed and disappeared, muscles got stronger, joint mobility increased, tolerance for physical load increased, metabolism got better, weight was lost, and mood got better.

Workout in water helps to overcome depression, makes the patient more vigilant, this is excellent and fun means to recuperate and improve health. Therapeutic effect: soothes pain; increases joint amplitude and muscle strength; reduces tension and stress;

Indications for patients with: osteochondrosis, radiculitis, in case of back pains, spinal intervertablal disc herniations, after various injuries (bone fractures, joint dislocations, ruptures of meniscus, ligaments, tendon, and muscles, after microsurgeries, after shoulder joint, shoulder  endoprosthesis, in case of joint inflammations, pains, limited joint mobility, neurological and cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, for people engaged in hard mental and physical work, for overweight people. 

 For women     For men     Water procedures     For pregnant    
During Pilates workouts, rehabilitative physical exercises are performed to stabilise and strengthen the core muscles, correcting irregularities in our body’s habits. Regular Pilates exercises help restore proper posture and sitting position, forming a habit of correct posture and natural movements inherent to each individual. Attention is paid to quality, slow, and conscious movement execution, engaging the harmony between body and mind.

Session time: Held on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 16:00, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:00 in the small kinesiotherapy room on the second floor. We recommend arriving 15 minutes early for the exercise session. Please wear light sportswear for the workouts; exercises are performed without sports shoes (with socks or barefoot).

Exercises are performed under the supervision of a professional kinesiotherapist, according to the individual capacity of the expectant mother. During the sessions, the muscles of the pelvis, lower back, legs, and arms are strengthened. Gymnastics balls are used, exercises are performed with body weight or additional tools, taking into account the individual condition of the woman.

Benefits of exercises: Helps prepare for childbirth or recover from it both physically and emotionally Helps prevent common pregnancy discomforts such as insomnia, back pain, shortness of breath, increased headaches, limb numbness; harmonises emotions, teaches to love the changing body and feel the signals it sends, creates a bond with the baby.

Duration of exercises: 30 min.+ diaphragmatic breathing exercises

Session time: Monday/Wednesday/Thursday at 16:00, Tuesday/Friday at 10:00 in the small kinesiotherapy room on the second floor. We recommend arriving 15 minutes early for the exercise session. If you do not reside in Gradiali Sanatorium, please come dressed appropriately for exercise. Sportswear is not mandatory during the exercise session.

Gift: After each exercise session, you can enjoy an oxygen cocktail with mineral water or choose a mineral water inhalation procedure. Additionally, upon purchasing a 5-session exercise pass, you will receive complementary nature therapy on Fridays at 16:00.

 For women     For pregnant    
xercises are performed under the supervision of a professional kinesiotherapist, according to the individual capacity of the expectant mother. During the sessions, the muscles of the pelvis, lower back, legs, and arms are strengthened. Gymnastics balls are used, exercises are performed with body weight or additional tools, taking into account the individual condition of the woman.

Benefits of exercises: Helps prepare for childbirth or recover from it both physically and emotionally Helps prevent common pregnancy discomforts such as insomnia, back pain, shortness of breath, increased headaches, limb numbness; harmonises emotions, teaches to love the changing body and feel the signals it sends, creates a bond with the baby.

Duration of exercises: 30 min.+ diaphragmatic breathing exercises

Session time: Monday/Wednesday/Thursday at 16:00, Tuesday/Friday at 10:00 in the small kinesiotherapy room on the second floor. We recommend arriving 15 minutes early for the exercise session. If you do not reside in Gradiali Sanatorium, please come dressed appropriately for exercise. Sportswear is not mandatory during the exercise session.

Gift: After each exercise session, you can enjoy an oxygen cocktail with mineral water or choose a mineral water inhalation procedure. Additionally, upon purchasing a 5-session exercise pass, you will receive complementary nature therapy on Fridays at 16:00.

 For women     For pregnant    
During Pilates workouts, rehabilitative physical exercises are performed to stabilise and strengthen the core muscles, correcting irregularities in our body’s habits. Regular Pilates exercises help restore proper posture and sitting position, forming a habit of correct posture and natural movements inherent to each individual. Attention is paid to quality, slow, and conscious movement execution, engaging the harmony between body and mind.

Session time: Held on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 16:00, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:00 in the small kinesiotherapy room on the second floor. We recommend arriving 15 minutes early for the exercise session. Please wear light sportswear for the workouts; exercises are performed without sports shoes (with socks or barefoot).

Spine stretching is a great means for:

  • Improving the nutrition of the intervertebral discs,
  • Reducing the symptoms of nerve root compression,
  • Enhancing spinal mobility,
  • Relieving tension in the muscles of the lumbar spine area.

The RedCord equipment used during the treatment session allows adjusting the stretching intensity and applying vibration, which helps to relax tense structures better. The testing of the patient is carried out through the exercise with a gradually increased exercise load in a closed kinetic chain. The load is being increased to the point where the patient is unable to carry out an exercise properly or feels pain. An affection or muscle weakness are diagnosed if the patient is unable to perform an exercise with a relatively low load or an asymmetry of muscular strength in the right and left parts of the body is observed during exercise. The localisation is then determined more precisely by performing exercises in an open kinetic chain. The RedCord system also enables diagnosing spinal vertebrae mobility, instability, and joint mobility.

 For women     For men    

Spine stretching is a great means for:

  • Improving the nutrition of the intervertebral discs,
  • Reducing the symptoms of nerve root compression,
  • Enhancing spinal mobility,
  • Relieving tension in the muscles of the lumbar spine area.

The RedCord equipment used during the treatment session allows adjusting the stretching intensity and applying vibration, which helps to relax tense structures better. The testing of the patient is carried out through the exercise with a gradually increased exercise load in a closed kinetic chain. The load is being increased to the point where the patient is unable to carry out an exercise properly or feels pain. An affection or muscle weakness are diagnosed if the patient is unable to perform an exercise with a relatively low load or an asymmetry of muscular strength in the right and left parts of the body is observed during exercise. The localisation is then determined more precisely by performing exercises in an open kinetic chain. The RedCord system also enables diagnosing spinal vertebrae mobility, instability, and joint mobility.

 For women     For men    

The force / balance plates module is used for the assessment and training of the weight force distribution and balance. The plates are stable, which makes their use safe for patients with balance disorders. The procedure is aimed at assessing the patient’s balance. The assessment is carried out based on a standardised methodology, and the data obtained is automatically used to determine the appropriated level of computer games and exercises.

E-LINK force plates are widely used for:

  • Rehabilitation of neurological and orthopaedic patients;
  • Patients with spinal injuries;
  • Prevention of falls;
  • Treatment of labyrinthine disorders.
 For women     For men    
Stretching exercise

Feeling under constant stress, the body defends itself by causing the muscles to spasm. During stretching exercises, we relax the muscles, stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system by breathing deeply and slowly, moving the joints, which lacked mobility from sedentary work. The purpose of this exercise is to calm the body and mind.

Nordic walking

Nordic walking is widely used to treat respiratory and circulatory disorders, spinal diseases, osteoporosis, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases. It is easy to learn and therefore easily develops aerobic endurance. Walking uses as much as 90% of the body’s muscles, reduces stress, stimulates metabolism and improves the immune and psychological state. During the Nordic walking session, exercise, instruction and walking on pine forest trails are performed.

Breathing exercise

During this exercise, regular breathing is taught – breathing in the abdomen (diaphragm muscles). Exercises are designed to train lung volume, abdominal press, intercostal muscles. “Shirun yoku” is also practiced during exercise – forest bathing, during which the amount of cortisol decreases and the amount of seratonin increases in the body, body calms down, the pressure decreases, and emotions are stabilized.

 For women     For men    

Aromatherapy is the use of essential and aromatic plant oils for the treatment and prevention of diseases. The essential oils extracted through the fractional distillation of aromatic plants (orange blossom, tea tree, thyme, juniper, lavender, mint, chamomile, etc.) are used for aromatherapy purposes. These are concentrated, biologically active, volatile phyto-organic plant compounds. In addition to the sense of smell (blends of essential oils), vision (colour lighting) and hearing (special type of music) are also impacted to boost the effectiveness of the treatment. Four types of aromatherapy blends are used in the sanatorium.

Healing effect: Features antibacterial and antiviral effects, reduces inflammatory processes, eases breathing, relaxes tense muscles, relieves pain, has a calming or activating effect (depending on the blend of essential oils), promotes the balance in the autonomic nervous system, strengthens the immune system, improves mood and sleep, lowers heart rate and arterial blood pressure.

 For women     For men    

It is a sound therapy for deep relaxation based on binaural beats. During the procedure, the brain is exposed to signals of different frequency through ears. The signals balance and harmonise the activity of the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which makes them function in the same and consistent manner. The music, which is heard during the relaxation, involves signals of special frequency that pass through the headphones and enable deep relaxation and rest. The sanatorium offers four types of binaural relaxation: deep relaxation; healing, music (classical/relaxation), and spot relaxation.

Healing effect: Normalises brain activity, improves focus, increases creative potential, decreases heart rate, lowers arterial blood pressure, reduces anxiety, improves mood and well-being, improves sleep quality, relieves tense muscles, and speeds up the healing processes.

 For women     For men    

Relaxation is the body's ability to relax muscles and relieve body tension (physical relaxation) whether voluntary or involuntary, the ability to relieve psychological and spiritual tension, calm down (rest). Relaxation is a safe and effective way to overcome stress and improve the quality of life.

During relaxation exercises, a person learns to relax voluntarily, and regular practice restores the physiological and psychological resources of the body resulting in improved physical and psychological well-being, less anxiety and more self-confidence.


  • Muscle tension decreases;
  • Breathing slows down;
  • Low blood pressure;
  • Decreased brain activity;
  • Heart rate slows.

Benefits of relaxation exercises:

  • Helps to avoid depletion of the body or mental activity, because too much, prolonged or constant tension destroys our adaptive mechanisms;
  • Helps treat stress-related illnesses;
  • Helps to eliminate morbid anxiety and its psychological and physiological manifestations.
 For women     For men     For pregnant    
Massage is one of the oldest treatments. It is natural and has high effectiveness. Massage is an integral part of rehabilitation, promotes various healing processes, helps to recover from injuries or operations.

Therapeutic massage is used for muscle and joint stiffness, diseases of the spine and joints, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, central and peripheral nervous system and musculoskeletal disorders, headaches, as well as hypersensitivity, sleep disorders, , in patients with urological, gynecological diseases, after operations, injuries, sports medicine, etc. For preventive purposes massage is recommended for office workers.

Full body massage can help improve your health, rejuvenate the body, eliminate stress and nervous tension, relax, enhance immunity, recover after hard work, reduce muscle spasm, tension and pain, as well as improve lymphatic flow and the overall condition of the body. Full body massage also has a positive effect on the skin (improves sudoriferous and sebaceous gland activity and skin breathing) and the whole body blood circulation. It accelerates metabolism and increases muscle performance.

Massage is one of the most reliable ways to get rid of your worries within an hour or less. Regular massage reduces nervousness, fatigue, relaxes tense muscles and steady joints. In sum, it has invigorating, stimulating, and energizing effects.

 Massages     For women     For men    
Full body massage can help improve your health, rejuvenate the body, eliminate stress and nervous tension, relax, enhance immunity, recover after hard work, reduce muscle spasm, tension and pain, as well as improve lymphatic flow and the overall condition of the body. Full body massage also has a positive effect on the skin (improves sudoriferous and sebaceous gland activity and skin breathing) and the whole body blood circulation. It accelerates metabolism and increases muscle performance.

Massage is one of the most reliable ways to get rid of your worries within an hour or less. Regular massage reduces nervousness, fatigue, relaxes tense muscles and steady joints. In sum, it has invigorating, stimulating, and energizing effects.
 Massages     For women     For men    

Curative mud is a natural organic-mineral colloidal derivative consisting of biologically active, vitamin and hormone-like substances and trace elements. During the procedure, the stimulation of the nerve receptors in the skin takes place, complex reflex reactions are triggered and biologically active substances produced that affect all systems of the body. The changes caused by the mud application lead to the normalisation of various body functions.

The temperature and chemical composition of the mud have a healing effect and improve peripheral blood flow and microcirculation, which promotes tissue nutrition and resorption of inflammatory infiltrates, reduces pain sensation, stimulates endocrine gland activity, as well as strengthens the adaptive and compensatory functions the body.

During the treatment, the patient is lying on a warm couch with mud. The mud is also applied to the upper surface of the body. The body with the curative mud application is then wrapped in polyethylene film and covered with a blanket. The chest area is left open.

 For women     For men    
Therapeutic mud procedures are performed with sapropel mud. A material resembling jelly is extracted by digging mud from freshwater reservoirs; its mineralisation is low, but it is rich in biologically active substances, acids, and various microelements. Mud has a high heat capacity and conductivity, contains substances similar to penicillin, thus treating inflammation.

Due to the effect of mud, more blood flows to the treated area and surrounding tissues; mud improves circulation, strengthens metabolism, alters the functional state of the nervous system, endocrine glands, improves immune responsiveness, strengthens digestive organ function, alleviates pain, promotes the healing of inflammatory processes, reduces adhesions, and softens scars. Segmental mud application is performed according to the client’s needs (joints, back, or other areas except for the heart area, in segments).

 For women     For men    


This is paraffin with mud additives of volcanic origin applications of which not only reduce inflammation processes but they are also effective in treatment of joint diseases and helpful in case of disorders of musculoskeletal or neurological nature.

Earlier applications made of the white paraffin used to be heated up in a device which used to concentrate the heat in the centre of the product, therefore there often were cases when these spots turned red or even burned. Our establishment purchased a latest-generation device which made using fango-paraffin for applications possible.

Applications are completely safe: evenly distributed heat prevents burns. Additives of volcanic origin are rich in minerals and microelements. Warm applications prepared by means of this device are placed on the joints, the spine, at the waist, depending on the disease the patient has.

These procedures not only improve blood circulation, sooth joint pain but they also reduce inflammation processes and strengthen the immune system of the body at the same time.

 For women     For men    

Paraffin Baths for Hands

Skin refreshing, nourishing and cherishing paraffin baths for hands are perfect for the cold season. They are particularly useful in case of frostbites and hand skin prone to cracking. Hands are dipped in warm paraffin saturated with a variety of useful substances, then they are wrapped in special plastic and gloves. Warm paraffin helps the useful substances to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, smoothes and soothes it. Paraffin bath warms up hand skin and opens the pores in this way improving blood circulation, rejuvenating the skin, softening the horny layer of it, opening the pores so that all active substances could penetrate into the subsurface. The heat makes the skin sweat exerting toxins in this way.

It is claimed that the effect of paraffin therapy last longer than a week.

Physicians recommend them to anyone with blood circulation disorders. They are particularly useful for patients complaining about cold limbs. The baths sooth pains of chronic arthritis, relax tense muscles, improve joint flexibility, relax tired hands, warm up cold hands, and improve blood circulation.  

Do not be afraid of burns: paraffin is characteristic of low thermal conductivity, therefore it releases heat little by little. This is an effective procedure for dry, sensitive hand skin tired and damaged as a result of work.

If hand skin is emaciated, one procedure may not be enough - sometimes it needs the whole course.

 For women     For men    
Exclusive, luxurious, rejuvenating treatment. An alternative to plastic facial skin stretching surgery. Special osteopathic facial massage with special accessories: roller and wand. The warm wax face mask especially tightens the skin and effectively smoothes wrinkles.
 Massages     For women     For men     For pregnant    
Body massage with a combination of oriental spices. Perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin with substances, vitamins A, B, E. Eliminates unnecessary stress and tension in the body.
 Massages     For women     For men    
Facial massage is one of the most effective and pleasant ways to maintain youthful and beautiful skin. The massage involves stroking, rubbing and kneading movements that activate the micro-circulation of blood and lymph, immediately improving the skin’s supply of nutrients and the removal of toxins. Enjoying the treatment with another person strengthens the emotional connection.

Benefits of procedure: Massage improves blood and lymph circulation, increases skin tone, promotes skin regeneration, improves oxygen and nutrient supply to the skin.

Treatment includes: makeup removal, exfoliation /mask, facial massage, application of creams.

 Massages     For women     For men     For pregnant    
The Hammam treatment and full-body wrap are a perfect combination for those who enjoy cosy warmth and appreciate the effects of wrapping. The warmth emitted from the marble bed easily penetrates into open pores, cleansing, nourishing, and pampering the skin. It becomes exceptionally soft, smooth, and naturally radiant.

Benefits of the procedure: opens and cleanses pores, detoxifies the skin, provides a sense of radiance and freshness.

Treatment includes: steaming in the sauna, scrubbing with the Kese glove, Soap foam massage, wrapping in mud mask, rinsing off the mask.

 Massages     For women     For men    
An Eastern-themed ritual indulging the skin of the body and face. During the treatment, you will enjoy the warmth emanating from the marble bed, a pleasant and soft foam cloud massage, and a relaxing full-body massage, while the facial skin will be indulged with a cleansing clay mask. A procedure suitable for anyone wishing to indulge themselves or others.

Benefits of the procedure: removing the top layer of dead skin cells, treating the facial skin with a cleansing mask, relaxing the body’s muscles.

Treatment includes: steaming in the sauna, scrubbing with the Kese glove, Soap foam massage, relaxing full-body massage, cleansing face mask.

 Massages     For women     For men     Top    
An oriental-inspired treatment that revitalises the skin is performed on a heated marble bed in a warm and humid room. Perfect for those who want to quickly regenerate the skin when the body skin is dry, flaky, or preparing the skin before vacations or sunbathing.

Benefits of the procedure: regenerates, softens and rejuvenates the skin, improves circulation.

Treatment includes: steaming in the sauna, scrubbing with the Kese glove, soap foam massage.

The salt crystals in the body scrub gently massage the skin’s surface and remove dead cells. It is important to do so because the mixture of dead cells and skin oils can clog pores, making it harder for the skin to receive oxygen and cleanse itself. Additionally, the body scrub massages the skin and promotes microcirculation. This improves blood circulation and supplies the skin with beneficial nutrients.

Benefits of the procedure: The treatment removes the layer of dead skin cells, cleanses pores, nourishes, and replenishes the skin.

Treatment includes: steaming in the sauna, exfoliation with sea salt scrub.

 Massages     For women     Top    
The massage technique brings peace to your mind and soul and allows immerse yourself in the relaxing experience. This technique soothes a tired body, relieves emotional tension and enhances the joy of togetherness. The essential oils and gentle music used during the treatment improve mood and take you to an oasis of peacefulness. The full body massage is followed by pampering yourself in a relaxing bath that perfectly re-mineralises the skin.
 Massages     For women     For men    


A rejuvenating golden spa treatment for face and body: body wrap, facial treatment and body massage. This luxurious treatment rejuvenates the skin and has a relaxing effect on the body. The exclusive regenerative properties of 24-carat gold are combined with the power of rejuvenating flowers to transform your face and body. Active ingredients: 24-carat gold powder for regeneration; passion flower for deep moisturising and restoration of firmness;


A rejuvenating facial treatment for men. Face washing with fresh cleansing foam, toning, peeling with the use of the microdermabrasive mechanic and enzyme scrub with natural exfoliating particles as hard as diamond. A deeper massage of fine lines and wrinkles with active rejuvenating concentrate containing hyaluronic acid. Effective rejuvenating masks with hyaluronic acid. Application of a moisturising face cream and massage with rejuvenating under-eye cream containing natural algae and coastal plant extracts, as well as a full body scrub and massage with a moisturising and nourishing extract.

 Massages     For women     For men    
A deeply relaxing massage calms the central nervous system, relaxes muscles, reduces irritability and eliminates fatigue.

A relaxing massage is performed in slow and wide movements. Essential oils are used during the massage to further enhance the effect of relaxation, calmness and immersion.​
 Massages     For women     For men    

In year 1972 at the request of the Japan Empress, massage was introduced to provide and maintain energy and beauty. This massage which has a long tradition unites the areas of the face, head and neck. After the procedure an influx of forces is felt, the face and skin are beautified, and the "lifting" effect is felt.

Advantages of Japanese therapeutic facial massage (KOBIDO):

  • Relaxes and gives not only physical but also emotional strength
  • Strengthens and tones the facial muscles
  • Reduces facial wrinkles, brightens the skin
  • Improves facial muscle tone, metabolism
  • Stops the aging process
  • Cleans toxins and deep dirt
  • Normalizes the skin's moisture balance.

This massage is recommended for both men and women looking for brighter and younger facial skin. Also for those who experience a lot of stress, want to relax and beautify the oval and skin of the face. For best results, it is recommended to take the course of 10 procedures twice a year.

 Massages     For women     For men    
The massage is designed to deeply saturate the body with heat. With the help of warm stones tense muscles are relaxed. During the massage, the microcirculation of the tissues is activated, the blood supply to the tissues is improved, the delivery of oxygen to the tissues and the removal of unnecessary products is normalized, which optimizes nutrition and metabolism (trophism and metabolism). Perfect for those who have cold limbs and for those who tolerate heat and want to relax.
 Massages     For women     For men    
Wrapping the whole body in mud will undoubtedly not only contribute to finer body lines, but will also saturate the skin with the necessary substances. The body is wrapped in natural mud extracted from Lake Ubagovo in Latvia, which is enriched with minerals. The whole body is smeared with a mud mask and wrapped in plastic. The heated dirt easily penetrates into the opened pores, cleanses and nourishes the skin, making it extremely soft and smooth. After the shower, the skin is moisturized with creams that will help maintain the skin's moisture balance.

Procedure: wrapping, shower, massage of moisturizing body milk.

 For women     For men    

Wrapping the whole body mud will not only beautify the body lines, but also saturate the skin with the necessary substances. The body is wrapped in natural mud extracted from Lake Ubagovo in Latvia, which is enriched with minerals. The whole body is smeared with a mud mask and wrapped in plastic. The heated mud easily penetrates into the opened pores, cleanses and nourishes the skin. It stimulates blood circulation, helps to remove toxins, and promotes the process of fat breakdown. An anti-cellulite massage of problem areas is performed after a shower.

Procedure: wrapping, shower, massage.

 Massages     For women     For men    

Recommended for dry, scaly and irritated hand skin. Contains hyaluronic acid, caviar extract, macadamia nut oil to restore dehydrated skin and give it exceptional softness, and the vitamin complex helps maintain a healthy skin structure.

The course of the procedure: exfoliation of the skin of the hands, massage with active serums, massage, massage of moisturizing cream.

 For women     For men    

Recommended to protect your hands from external influences and improve the condition and appearance of the skin. Products with hyaluronic acid and pearl protein extract visibly moisturize the skin and improve its condition. Hyaluronan instantly saturates the skin of the hands with moisture and gives a pleasant silk softness. The skin on the hands looks smoother and much softer. Polysaccharides and amino acids inhibit the appearance of pigment spots.

The course of the procedure: exfoliation of the skin of the hands, massage with active serums, massage, massage of the nourishing cream

 For women     For men    

Peeling removes dead skin cells. Its active ingredients: sea salt - cleanses, regulates PH, is antiseptic, olive extract protects the skin from loss of hydration, almond oil and shea butter soften. Vitamin E activates enzymes in the skin. Detoxifying mask cleans slag, removes toxins. Foot cream with unique ingredients: microsilver, tea tree oil, sandalwood extract and shea butter.

Regenerating foot cream with a healing effect - antibacterial, anti-inflammatory. With regular use, it helps prevent the formation of hardened skin.

The course of the procedure: exfoliation of the skin of the feet, wrapping of a detoxifying mask, massage.

 For women     For men    

Korean black raspberry berries have exceptional antioxidant properties, refreshing and brightening the facial skin. Carefully selected additives from other East Asian plants (peach blossoms, licorice ankle roots, southern ginseng root, Fo-Ti root, and licorice root) nourish and moisturize facial skin. The adenosine in the mask enhances the anti-wrinkle effect of the mask, while allantoin and niacinamide brighten, smooth and firm the skin.

Roller massage helps to strengthen the muscles of the facial skin, increases their tone and activates blood circulation.

 For women     For men    

Blueberry extract is rich in anthocyanins, minerals and vitamins that strengthen and revitalize the skin. These substances form a moisturizing barrier that makes facial skin smooth and healthy. Carefully selected extracts of Oriental plants - Rehmannia chinensis root, apricot kernels, southern ginseng root, Fo-Ti root, sweet potato dioscorea root and Japanese serpentine root - moisturize and nourish the facial skin. The niacinamide in the mask brightens the facial skin, and the flower extracts soothe and moisturize sensitive, dry skin and help maintain the moisture of the facial skin for longer.

Roller massage helps to strengthen the muscles of the facial skin, increases their tone and activates blood circulation.

 For women     For men    

Chokeberry fruit extract is rich in anthocyanins, tannins and vitamins that strengthen sagging skin, giving it firmness and vitality. Carefully selected supplements of other East Asian plants - heartwort, white peony roots, Japanese elm roots, lily-of-the-valley flowers, sticky rehmania and bushy root - moisturize, nourish tired skin and give it vitality. The adenosine contained in the mask helps to reduce wrinkles and - together with plant flower extracts - reliably and for a long time moisturizes sensitive and dry skin.

Roller massage helps to strengthen the muscles of the facial skin, increases their tone and activates blood circulation.

 For women     For men    

Saponin-rich ginseng berries together with ginseng extracts brighten the skin and strengthen its resistance to the negative effects of the environment. Carefully selected supplements of other East Asian plants - heartburn, licorice root, white peony root, lily of the valley flowers, apricot kernels and true glitter extract - moisturize and nourish the skin, giving it vitality.

The adenosine and allantoin in the mask reduce wrinkles and firm the skin, making it smoother and brighter. Roller massage helps to strengthen the muscles of the facial skin, increases their tone and activates blood circulation.

 For women     For men    
Mulberry leaf and fruit extracts, along with silk extract, soothe the skin and retain moisture, resulting in smooth and glowing skin. The roller massage helps strengthen facial muscles, increase their tone, stimulate blood circulation, and improve mask absorption. Suitable for soothing the skin after sun exposure.

Benefits of the procedure: soothes and moisturises the skin.

Treatment includes: preparation of facial skin, application of the mask, roller massage.

 For women     For men    
Short facial massage. It improves the microcirculation of tissues, metabolism, lymph metabolism, as well as the skin acquires firmness and natural skin cleansing.

During the massage, the neck, cheeks, outer corners of the eyes and forehead are massaged.
 For women     For men    
Designed to: reduce frown lines; reduce smile (joy) lines; minimise puffiness and dark circles around the eyes; increase firmness of the face oval through modelling; reduce double chin. The treatment reaches the deep layers of the skin, which makes the skin suppler and firmer, as well as helps to acquire a more radiant appearance.
 For women     For men    
Designed to: reduce frown lines; reduce smile (joy) lines; minimise puffiness and dark circles around the eyes; increase firmness of the face oval through modelling; reduce double chin. The treatment reaches the deep layers of the skin, which makes the skin suppler and firmer, as well as helps to acquire a more radiant appearance.​
 For women     For men    
Designed to: reduce frown lines; reduce smile (joy) lines; minimise puffiness and dark circles around the eyes; increase firmness of the face oval through modelling; reduce double chin. The treatment reaches the deep layers of the skin, which makes the skin suppler and firmer, as well as helps to acquire a more radiant appearance.
 For women     For men    
It is an extremely gentle treatment that has a soothing and harmonising effect on the body and will help you relax after a working day, relieve stress, tension and immerse in a whirlwind of positive emotions. The massage perfectly relieves muscle tension and promotes blood flow to the muscles, this way reducing accumulated tensions. Great for relaxation after workouts.
 For women    

The massage intended for body shaping is a 100 percent natural, safe, non-invasive, and painless treatment. The roller and flap of the LPG Cellu M6 alliance device rotate at different speeds and in different directions along with intensive suction, which results in the effective yet gentle massage of the deep layers of the skin, better blood circulation, removal of toxins, improved lymphatic drainage and production of the components that ensure the firmness and youthful appearance of the skin: elastin and hyaluronic acid.

The device-based massage is focused on the problem areas of the body: back, waist, buttocks, thighs, inner thighs, abdomen, and arms.



Scientifically proved results (after 10 sessions):

  • Waist reduced by 5.2cm,
  • Cellulite reduced by 99%,
  • Skin firmness increased by 82%.
 For women     For men    

The massage intended for body shaping is a 100 percent natural, safe, non-invasive, and painless treatment. The roller and flap of the LPG Cellu M6 alliance device rotate at different speeds and in different directions along with intensive suction, which results in the effective yet gentle massage of the deep layers of the skin, better blood circulation, removal of toxins, improved lymphatic drainage and production of the components that ensure the firmness and youthful appearance of the skin: elastin and hyaluronic acid.

The device-based massage is focused on the problem areas of the body: back, waist, buttocks, thighs, inner thighs, abdomen, and arms.



Scientifically proved results (after 10 sessions):

  • Waist reduced by 5.2cm,
  • Cellulite reduced by 99%,
  • Skin firmness increased by 82%.
 For women    

The massage intended for body shaping is a 100 percent natural, safe, non-invasive, and painless treatment. The roller and flap of the LPG Cellu M6 alliance device rotate at different speeds and in different directions along with intensive suction, which results in the effective yet gentle massage of the deep layers of the skin, better blood circulation, removal of toxins, improved lymphatic drainage and production of the components that ensure the firmness and youthful appearance of the skin: elastin and hyaluronic acid.

The device-based massage is focused on the problem areas of the body: back, waist, buttocks, thighs, inner thighs, abdomen, and arms.



Scientifically proved results (after 10 sessions):

  • Waist reduced by 5.2cm,
  • Cellulite reduced by 99%,
  • Skin firmness increased by 82%.
 For women     For men    

A massage for the hip, abdomen or buttock areas.

The procedure is designed to remove fat deposits and toxins, which results in the firmer and smoother skin. It is a slimming treatment that helps to refine the contour of the body.

 Massages     For women     For men    

Designed to soothe even the most sensitive skin after just one procedure. Suitable for after sunbathing, after active, aesthetic and medical facial skin treatments, for permanently sensitive facial skin.

During the procedure:

Gentle exfoliation with the enzyme Protease - the skin becomes clear, soft and smooth.

An exclusive and unique massage that reduces redness is performed with cold rollers and hands. Stimulates blood and lymph microcirculation, collagen and elastin synthesis.

The soothing cooling mask with vitamins B3 B5 C, flavanoids, saponins, allantoin and peptides soothes even the most sensitive facial skin perfectly and for a long time. Promotes deep cell hydration, strengthens the hydrolipid film and skin protective function, protects against the formation of free radicals. Helps soothe irritated skin and gives it a feeling of comfort.

Lubricating creams - choosing the right products for the face and eyes.

Enjoy bright, smooth and fresh skin.

 Massages     For women     For men    
Hyaluronic acid, peptides and EGF target all facial wrinkles with a 3 DIMENSIONS wrinkle correcting and facial oval modeling procedure. High effectiveness in reducing all types of wrinkles: goose feet, facial wrinkles, deep wrinkles and wrinkles at the neck and cheeks.

The course of the procedure: make-up removal, skin type determination, targeted mechanical wrinkle scrub, wrinkle smoothing massage, rejuvenating face mask, cream lubrication.

Effect: This procedure controls all types of wrinkles. Relaxing facial wrinkles. Filled concave areas of the face are filled. Deep wrinkles are compared. The skin becomes noticeably plumper

 Massages     For women     For men    

Tailored and targeted revitalization:

  • skin exam to identify the target skin: [maturing skin] – [dry skin] – [congested skin],
  • personalized vitamin-packed revitalization,
  • high precision treatment with a specific meso-plumping massage.

Medical inspiration from mesotherapy. Rich ingredient list: Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamins C, B, E, Amino Acids, microelements Na, Mg, Zn, Mn, Si.

Hydra-revitalizing results

  • revives the skin: 100%
  • moisturizes: 100%
  • revitalizes: 100%
 Massages     For women     For men    
Floatation is a therapy designed for deep physical, mental and spiritual relaxation and restoration of the body’s vital forces. The water contained in the floatation capsule is saturated with magnesium salt (EPSOM) and warmed to human body temperature. This unique combination allows the human body to float on the surface of the water in a state resembling zero gravity. The absence of external stimuli allows to achieve the state of weightlessness, complete relaxation of the body, and redirection of the brain focus, as there is no need to observe and interpret any stimuli from the environment, which promotes creativity, non-verbal thinking, while some people immerse themselves in spiritual journeys. Benefits of the treatment: Increases endorphin (“happiness hormone”) production and strengthens auto-immune functions; Improves the rhythm of sleep/wake cycle, reduces both physical and emotional stress; Reduces depression, anxiety, fear and fatigue.
 For women     For men     Water procedures     Top    
Floatation is a therapy designed for deep physical, mental and spiritual relaxation and restoration of the body’s vital forces. The water contained in the floatation capsule is saturated with magnesium salt (EPSOM) and warmed to human body temperature. This unique combination allows the human body to float on the surface of the water in a state resembling zero gravity. The absence of external stimuli allows to achieve the state of weightlessness, complete relaxation of the body, and redirection of the brain focus, as there is no need to observe and interpret any stimuli from the environment, which promotes creativity, non-verbal thinking, while some people immerse themselves in spiritual journeys. Benefits of the treatment: Increases endorphin (“happiness hormone”) production and strengthens auto-immune functions; Improves the rhythm of sleep/wake cycle, reduces both physical and emotional stress; Reduces depression, anxiety, fear and fatigue.
The salt crystals in the body scrub gently massage the skin’s surface and remove dead cells. It is important to do so because the mixture of dead cells and skin oils can clog pores, making it harder for the skin to receive oxygen and cleanse itself. Additionally, the body scrub massages the skin and promotes microcirculation. This improves blood circulation and supplies the skin with beneficial nutrients.

Benefits of the procedure: The treatment removes the layer of dead skin cells, cleanses pores, nourishes, and replenishes the skin.

Treatment includes: steaming in the sauna, exfoliation with sea salt scrub.

 Massages     For women     Top    
A traditional Turkish ritual – steaming in the sauna, body scrub, soap foam massage, and oil full-body massage – a perfect start to your holiday, helping you relax and prepare your skin for a more beautiful and longer-lasting tan.

Benefits of the procedure: soothes the nervous system, cleanses toxins, impurities, dead skin, relaxes the body.

Treatment includes: steaming in the sauna, scrubbing with the Kese glove, Soap foam massage, relaxing full-body massage.

 Massages     For women     For men     Top    
A quick, effective body scrubbing treatment on a warm marble bed. Designed to remove dead skin cells and improve microcirculation.

Benefits of the procedure: removes the layer of dead skin cells, cleanses the pores, noticeably improves the skin condition. The skin becomes smooth, soft, and elastic.

Treatment includes: steaming in the sauna, scrubbing with Kese glove.

The toning therapy of the Bordeaux red wine features a strong restorative power of grapes and symbolises endless vitality and long life. The wine therapy products of Norden Cosmetics contain a wine extract from the Bordeaux Region, France. Wine fermentation by-products contain a variety of valuable substances useful for the improvement of the skin condition: peptides, vitamins, and polyphenols.

The effects of the red wine and the magic of melting exotic oils rich in skin restorative components and vitamins provide the enhanced sense of wellbeing, make your skin soft and smooth, restore its elasticity, and infuse glow, sensuality and mystery.

The massage with red wine scrub refreshes the skin, while the red wine mask restores the deeper layers of the skin, giving it moisture and vitality.

Following the treatment, you will feel relaxed, full of charm and joy of life.

Pleasant, seductive scent. Perfect for mature skin.

 Massages     For women     For men    

An extremely masculine treatment with precious titanium, which will take care of skin damage, moisturizing and maintaining moisture levels. Titanium dioxide (a natural mineral) provides strong sun protection. It also helps to heal small wounds.

The procedure has a bright masculine line of aroma, based on a note of freshness, complemented by the scents of earth soil and wood. Also perfect for women who like a feeling of freshness.

Body scrub with titanium scrub + wrap with titanium lotion + warm amber bundles that relieve muscle tension + massage of the lotion.

 Massages     For women     For men    

The massage is performed with amber oil and warm amber bags.

A relaxing amber massage for those who are looking for a special peace and relaxation. The massage ensures a strong calming effect. It provides rest, relaxation and strengthens the entire body, reduces stress and tension, improves mood and work capacity, reduces head and muscle pain, and promotes blood circulation in the hands and feet. The massage is performed using only natural oils (base and amber oils).

 Massages     For women     For men    

The massage is performed with amber oil and warm amber bags.

A relaxing amber massage for those who are looking for a special peace and relaxation. The massage ensures a strong calming effect. It provides rest, relaxation and strengthens the entire body, reduces stress and tension, improves mood and work capacity, reduces head and muscle pain, and promotes blood circulation in the hands and feet. The massage is performed using only natural oils (base and amber oils).

 Massages     For women     For men    

The massage is performed with amber powder, amber oil, and warm amber bags.

It has long been known that honey is not just a food but also a cure, and these unique properties are perfectly utilised during this massage. The massage helps to improve blood circulation in the deeper tissues of the skin and muscle fibres. While delivering biologically active substances, honey simultaneously absorbs toxins from the skin surface and quickly removes them from the body. Massage technique: quite strong movements. Only natural honey is used for the purposes of the massage. Following the honey massage on the back, the ionisation of the whole body takes place, using amber powder.

 Massages     For women     For men    

The massage is performed with salt, amber oil, and warm amber bags.

The light massage with amber sand and salt removes dead cells of the skin. In the course of scrubbing, toxins are removed and blood circulation in tissues stimulated. Then amber oil is rubbed into the cleansed skin.

 Massages     For women     For men    
Grapefruit fragrance has a toning effect on the human body, as well as elevates mood and promotes optimism. Grapefruit has a positive effect on the tone and the lymphatic system of the human body, helps in fighting cellulite, restores elastin and collagen in the skin, counteracts skin ageing processes, smoothens the surface of the skin and promotes skin cell renewal. Body scrub with grapefruit + body wrap and body massage, rubbing in a grapefruit mask. Warm bags of amber and the massage relieve muscle tension and improve emotional state.
 Massages     For women     For men    

The procedure is perfect for tired, dry skin that needs to restore elasticity, vitality and firmness, reduces unevenness and gives the skin an even tone, complemented by a gentle pearl shine.

Conchioline, an organic protein substance found in pearl shells and rich in amino acids, provides the skin with a wealth of trace elements (active calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, selenium, etc.) that promote skin cell regeneration, slow down the aging process, skin becomes smoother, more elastic, moisturized.

Body scrub with pearl particles + wrap lotion with pearl particles + warm amber bundles that relieve muscle tension + lotion massage.

 Massages     For women     For men    

This facial mask is very effective for the treatment of oily and acne-prone skin. Your skin will be disinfected, saturated with succinic acid, and the activity of subcutaneous sebaceous glands will be balanced (a dry mask is applied to oily facial skin, and the same is mixed with amber water when applied to dry skin).

Products used: amber powder and amber water.

 Massages     For women     For men    

The hemp magic is a treatment with euphoric effect that elevates mood and spirit, induces relaxation and creativity, perfectly moisturises, strengthens immunity and slows down the ageing processes. Hemp containing protein, antioxidants, carotenes, amino acids, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and omega-3 and omega-6 valuable unsaturated fatty acids perfectly nourishes and softens the skin, restores its tone, removes toxins and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Due to the high content of vitamin E, the oil prevents premature ageing and formation of stretch marks, as well as restores skin elasticity. Hemp also contains valuable vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, C, D and E. It has a positive effect on skin pH, promotes lipid balance, reduces skin redness, irritation, and heals minor wounds. Warm amber bags and massage relieve muscle tension and improve emotional state.

 Massages     For women     For men    
The procedure directly affects the entire body: the skin is revitalised and ‘flooded’ with fresh energy, succinic acid penetrates into cells, activating and restoring the vital processes that take place there, and, during the face massage, you will reach a state of profound serenity. Products used: amber powder, amber water, amber oil, and warm amber bags.
 Massages     For women     For men    
The amber mask is a real find for your face. The procedure consists of an amber mask, facial scrub and the activating amber oil application to your face. The treatment is designed to stimulate the muscles and skin of the décolleté, neck, and face areas. Following the treatment, you will feel improved blood flow, your face will glow and your cells will regenerate. The regenerative and antiseptic properties of amber provide great results in terms of facial skin cleansing and improving its condition. Products used: amber powder, amber water, amber oil, and warm amber bags.
 Massages     For women     For men    
Beauty and well-being is an overarching concern. The treatment that makes your body ‘work’. Exceptionality and originality: a manual massage technique. The holistic approach enabling you to relax from your toes up to your hair ends. The treatment involves 3 specific products based on OLIGOMER: seawater. Perfectly relaxes and allows you to enjoy pleasurable sensations, stimulates metabolism, removes dead cells, replenishes minerals, rejuvenates and tightens the skin. Body scrub with sea salt and algae oils followed by the massage using creams and serums.
 Massages     For women     For men    
Beauty and well-being is an overarching concern. The treatment that makes your body ‘work’. Exceptionality and originality: a manual massage technique. The holistic approach enabling you to relax from your toes up to your hair ends. The treatment involves 3 specific products based on OLIGOMER: seawater. Perfectly relaxes and allows you to enjoy pleasurable sensations, stimulates metabolism, removes dead cells, replenishes minerals, rejuvenates and tightens the skin.
 Massages     For women     For men    
The treatment is designed is for the greyish skin that has lost luminosity, as well as for the mixed and oily skin types. Effect: detoxifies, oxygenates, cleans, gives matte and glow, minimises pores.
 Massages     For women     For men    
Facial massage relieves tension, fatigue and improves sleep quality. It is a massage that combines the face, neck and décolleté areas, using a variety of individually selected products.
 Massages     For women     For men     For pregnant    

To have a great-looking facial skin, you need to keep in mind the most important thing - moisturizing. Irrigation helps keep it firm, supple, smooth and youthful. Moisturizing the facial skin slows down the appearance of wrinkles and stops the aging process. Only properly moisturized skin can look youthful and beautiful. During the procedure, the facial skin will be pampered by scrubbing with natural papaya enzymes and a moisturizing face mask with brown laminaria algae, which abundantly moisturizes, nourishes and revitalizes even the dehydrated and tired skin.

The course of the procedure: face preparation, scrubbing, two masks, massage, cream application. The back is pampered with a mask of self-heating mud.

 Massages     For women     For men    

One of the basic skincare routines is cleansing. This is the procedure that may not be ignored, as the skin is continuously regenerating, causing a layer of dead cells to accumulate on the surface of the skin, which needs to be removed. In the course of a single treatment, your facial skin will be pampered using a scrub and a cleansing mask, following which your facial skin will regain vitality.

Preparation of the facial skin, facial scrub, facial massage, cleansing, pore-minimising antiseptic mask, self-warming mud mask on the back, and hand massage.

 Massages     For women     For men    

The treatment involves body scrub: sea salt crystals, oligomer and algae oils perfectly exfoliate, mineralise, tone and tighten the skin.

A relaxing massage inspired by the Thai massage technique has a calming effect, improves mood and boosts energy. The massage involves the application of boluses: heated bags filled with sea salt crystals and lavender flowers. The heat brings relaxation, while sea salt re-mineralises and lavender blossoms soothe.

At the end of the procedure, the whole body is massaged using moisturising milk and serum, which perfectly moisturises, nourishes and softens the skin.

The facial skin is cleansed, exfoliated, and a moisturising mask is applied. The skin regains moisture, becomes nourished, soft, luminous and fresh as the morning dew.

This holistic spa treatment is the sensation of an ocean, revitalising and perfectly soothing both the body and the soul.

 Massages     For women     For men    
Exclusive, luxurious, rejuvenating treatment. An alternative to plastic facial skin stretching surgery. Special osteopathic facial massage with special accessories: roller and wand. The warm wax face mask especially tightens the skin and effectively smoothes wrinkles.
 Massages     For women     For men     For pregnant    
The treatment helps to reduce stretch marks and fat accumulation, removes slag and toxins, effectively combats cellulite and stretch marks, as well as has a firming and toning effect on the saggy skin.

Involves body scrub with Luffa sponge, seaweed wrap, and massage with creams and serums.

 Massages     For women     For men    
The velvety body scrub treatment removes impurities and dead cells from the skin, as well as improves skin tone, activates blood circulation, cleanses pores, accelerates the renewal and increases elasticity of the skin.
 Massages     For women     For men