Physical medicine and rehabilitation physician helps to return to normal life after illness, to strengthen health, to speed up the healing process after various diseases, to restore the body after injuries and/or surgeries. It is a complex part of treatment of various medical conditions: the back pain of various origins, which is a common complaint, and the effects of incorrect posture, as well as conditions after injuries and surgeries (prosthetic joints, surgery of blood vessels, bone fractures, etc.), stroke, heart attack, etc.
During the consultation, a physical medicine and rehabilitation physician assesses the patient’s state of health, develops an individual rehabilitation programme, monitors the effectiveness of rehabilitation, adjusts the programme if necessary, prescribes the outpatient, inpatient, etc. rehabilitation, as well as advises patients on healthy lifestyle, and adjustment of activities and surroundings based on the principles of ergonomics.
Physical medicine and rehabilitation physician applies non-drug therapy (without medication): prescribes the physiotherapy and hydrotherapy (water) procedures, kinesiotherapy, massage, homeopathic treatment, acupuncture, manual therapy and other types of treatment suitable for you.
Depending on the patient’s medical history, a physical medicine and rehabilitation physician may involve other specialists (kinesiology therapists, masseurs, psychiatrists) in the treatment process.