  • All categories
  • Accommodation (2)
  • Treatment programs (9)
! Does not meet filters - adults, children or nights. Press FIND COMBINATION button.

Accommodation with three meals a day

86 * € per person
! Does not meet filters - adults, children or nights. Press FIND COMBINATION button.

Amber Etudes

Minimal duration: 2 n.

101 * € per person
! Does not meet filters - adults, children or nights. Press FIND COMBINATION button.

Evening Breeze

Minimal duration: 2 n.

101 * € per person
! Does not meet filters - adults, children or nights. Press FIND COMBINATION button.

Dune Trail

Minimal duration: 2 n.

101 * € per person
! Does not meet filters - adults, children or nights. Press FIND COMBINATION button.


Minimal duration: 5 n.

105,50 * € per person
! Does not meet filters - adults, children or nights. Press FIND COMBINATION button.


54 * € per person
! Does not meet filters - adults, children or nights. Press FIND COMBINATION button.


Minimal duration: 5 n.

105,50 * € per person
! Does not meet filters - adults, children or nights. Press FIND COMBINATION button.

Bay of Sedges

Minimal duration: 2 n.

94,5 * € per person
! Does not meet filters - adults, children or nights. Press FIND COMBINATION button.


Minimal duration: 3 n.

86 * € per person
! Does not meet filters - adults, children or nights. Press FIND COMBINATION button.

Minimal duration: 5 n.

! Does not meet filters - adults, children or nights. Press FIND COMBINATION button.

Sea Frenzy

Minimal duration: 2 n.

101 * € per person
! Does not meet filters - adults, children or nights. Press FIND COMBINATION button.

Magic Waves

Minimal duration: 2 n.

101 * € per person
Gift vouchers

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